Hi Guys! Do you have a problem with creating and using the new Facebook Feature called Facebook Avatar which is the new trend online? I will talk about why the complaint of Facebook avatar not working is also trending and what you should do if you are one of those affected.
While millions of Facebook users across the world are now enjoying using their Cartoon versions thanks to the new Facebook avatar. A lot of people in the US and other parts of the world are yet to get their avatar.
The Facebook avatar is a Bitmoji-like feature added recently by Facebook. It lets you create a customized avatar or Carton-like version of yourself which you can now use in comments, stories and Facebook messenger. You can also use your Facebook avatar on other social media platforms like Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram as stickers.
READ ALSO: Create Facebook Avatar for Facebook App and Messenger in 2 minutes.
Facebook Avatar Not Working? This is Why and What You Should Do
Here are some of the major causes of the complaints of “Facebook Avatar not working” and possible solutions to them. We have a total of 5 possible reasons why Facebook avatar is not working in every account.
1. Possible Cause: You are Using Facebook Lite
Solution: Ensure that you download the main Facebook app before you try creating Facebook Avatar. Facebook Avatar option is not available on Facebook Lite.
2. Possible Cause: You are not using a mobile device
Solution: While future updates of the Facebook avatar can be made available for every device, the current Facebook avatar is only available on mobile devices, both Android and iOS.
3. Possible Cause: Your Facebook App is not up to date.
Solution: Update your Facebook app to the latest version and try again.
4. Possible Cause: You may not know where to look and how to access your Facebook avatar creator.
Solution: There are three possible things you can do here.
a) Use Older Messages or Comments.
- Open your last message and tap on the smiley face seen in the comment bar.
- Once it opens stickers.
- Click on what looks like the Angry Bird found at the bottom towards the left.
- This will open the Facebook Avatar creator.
b) Use the “Feeling/Activity/Stickers” tab.
- Go to your stickers by clicking on the “Feeling/Activity/Stickers“.
- Click on Stickers.
- select the “purple face” and this could allow you to customize your Facebook Cartoon character or Facebook Avatar.
c) Go to bookmarks and look for Avatars under “see more”.
5. Possible Cause: Facebook may not be available in your country yet.
Solution: Facebook has made it clear that the avatar is going to be made available to all Facebook users across the world but it will come in Phases. For now, Facebook Avatar is only available in Europe, Australia, NewZealand, Canada and the USA.
6. Possible Cause: It might not be your turn yet.
Solution: If you have followed the above 4 steps and still cannot find the Facebook avatar maker to solve your “Facebook avatar not working” complaints, it is possible that Avatars have not yet been rolled out to your account. All you need is to relax and be a little more patient for the update to arrive in your Facebook account.
7: Solution: Download Alternative apps to Facebook Avatar such as Bitmoji and Avatoon avatar maker in our list of alternatives to Facebook avatar given below.
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: How to Create Facebook Avatar on iPhone and Android
Alternatives to Facebook Avatar Creator
These apps are also very great avatar creators and can help you create amazing avatars while awaiting Facebook Avatar. They Are:
Please share this with your friends and loved ones facing similar challenges. It could help them even if it didn’t work out for you. I hope this article was helpful to you on how to deal with the “Facebook Avatar not working” complaints? Leave a comment for us below.